Saturday, March 14, 2009

Peace like a river...

I've been continuing to think a lot about my vocation this week... As I've gone through different tasks and meetings, I've been intentionally analyzing what things I enjoy and what things energize me. This week, that's not been at my internship - in fact, I've been rethinking whether I really want to work in government or politics at all. I have found a lot of excitement and purpose in my work at the Agape Center, and in things related to Harrisburg. So I don't know exactly what that means, but I am open to possibilities that I wouldn't have even considered a month ago.

And there has definitely been a shift in my perspective on vocation since my last post. At that point, I was focusing all on career and where I could find opportuntities to fulfill that. Now I am unsure about career, but more committed to place. Harrisburg is where I belong right now, and I will stay here with my people :) I guess I have shifted to valuing community over career - community is what I am sure of, while career I may not figure out for a while.

So my "plan" right now (if you can call it that) is to find an apartment in Allison Hill (in Hburg) to share with friends, and get a job at a coffee-shop or something for the summer. I feel like I'm not ready to jump into a serious job yet - I have been going and pushing myself to handle so many things for so long that I just need a break. Working somewhere, investing in relationships, getting involved in Allison Hill, reading for fun, and playing with kids sounds like just what I need :) After that, who knows...but I have a lot of peace about this.

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