Friday, June 5, 2009

The Gift of Time: Creating a new lifestyle...

I am loving living in Harrisburg as an unemployed alum right now :) What excites me most is all of the time I suddenly have, and the freedom of choosing what to do with it. For the last 4 years I have been so accustomed to my schedule being dictated by my many responsibilities, so now I am thinking carefully about how I want to use this time that is now available to me. I know that my schedule will not always be so free, but how can I intentionally invest the time that I have to truly reflect the values that I hold dear? As a student I so often felt that my schedule and my values were in a tug-of-war, with a lot of my time being spent on what I had to do and not what I wanted to do.

Making lists is helpful to me, and so here's how I would like to translate my values into my new "Post-Grad Lifestyle":

Cultivate my relationship with God.
1. Be faithful in morning quiet time.
2. Practice prayer as a spiritual discipline.

Cultivate relationships with people.
3. Keep in touch better with friends who are far away.
4. Practice hospitality to those who are near.

Invest in the communities that I am a part of.
5. Find ways to use my gifts in my church communities.
6. Find ways to get involved in the Allison Hill community.

Engage with the broader world.
7. Keep up with the news!

Take care of myself.
8. Get enough sleep :)
9. Make time for rest.
10. Read for fun!

I am working on many of them already, but please hold me to them and give me ideas for things to add to this list!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

This is a great list. Your intentional reflection on aligning your time and values is wonderful, and surely the first crucial step in making your aspirations come to pass.